Want to participate?
Do you want to participate? (For groups, organizations, and temples)
This site provides a platform for sharing, exploring, and exchange and it’s supported by the Japan Buddhist Federation, the Japanese Association for Buddhist Social Welfare Studies, and the Buddhist NGO Network. By registering your organization that is engaged in social practice activities and recording the activity content, you can use this platform for mutual exchange, sharing, as well as widely introducing content of your activities to the world.
This platform is open not only for temples and Buddhism-based organizations. NGOs or NPOs, facilities, public institutions, schools, companies, neighborhood associations, who collaborate with Buddhist organizations or positively recognize Buddhists’ activities or Buddhism-based activities can also register. You can build a wide network with users, volunteers, and related organizations.
This platform is for free. There is no publication or registration fee. Please fill in the activity details in the registration form. After a check, your ID and password will be issued soon. Once received your ID and password, you are connected and can start to use the platform.
* Multiple registrations. If there are multiple activities within the same group/organization, you can register each activity section separately.
* Your activity reports, newsletters, pamphlets, document, etc. can be published, shared, and saved in Archives.
- This platform is a site based on your goodwill. Please refrain from any actions that are offensive to public order and morals.
- Although we check and screen the organizations listed on this site, we are not responsible for all the services they provide. Please check the contents of their services carefully before using them.
- The purpose of this platform is not to proselytize any particular religion. Although the organizations listed are mainly Buddhist organizations, please refrain from imposing religious ideas or beliefs on users.
- Please understand that we may delete your registration if you violate our purpose.
Copyright © 2017 - 2022 SHUKUTOKU UNIVERSITY Buddhist Social Work Platform