About Buddhist Social Work Platform

About Buddhist Social Work Platform

In Buddhism, we always protect all living beings. We feel thankful for being alive by interconnectedness and interdependency. In Japan as well as in other Buddhist countries and regions in Asia, many organizations help and assist others and practice this Buddha’s teaching, being engaged in a wide range of social and support activities.

However, there was no online network yet, transcending borders of countries and boundaries of sects and denominations. Therefore, this platform has been established to gather and introduce the Buddhist social work and other social activities of Buddhist organizations and their records. This platform allows us to share more on practice carried out on a daily basis in local communities, exchange information, and support further cooperation and collaboration. By providing a virtual space that can be used to interact and share, we hope that this platform will encourage further and raise awareness of society.

In Japan, we have experienced unprecedented disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Other regions in Asia have a very similar experience with floods, typhoons, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. We are sure that Buddhist social work is an important part of social infrastructure, often neglected, however very effective and useful in the case of emergency.

This platform is non-sectarian and open to everyone. Non-Buddhist groups, public institutions, and anyone regardless of his or her faith, religion, or citizenship can participate and use this platform. We hope that this platform will be used by a wide range of people and will support and expand various relationships and partnerships in the future.

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Please welcome! At temples, monasteries, and Buddhist organizations in your neighborhood, a wide range of social activities have been provided, assisting people in need, children, people with disabilities, the elderly, and others. Using his platform, you can get information about these activities, contact information, etc. You can directly connect organizations that have been providing social activities based on Buddhist teaching. Please use this platform to search about services you need or explore activities you may participate in as a volunteer. If you are a member of an active organization, please register and share your group/ organization's activities. Use this platform to widely disseminate information to the general public, interact with other organizations, connect with users or volunteers, and save your activities records. This platform is operated by Asian Research Institute for International Social Work and Asian Center for Buddhist Social Welfare Exchange at Shukutoku University, Japan. The establishment of this platform was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. This platform is open to anyone regardless of religion, faith, belief, or nationality.

Copyright © 2017 - 2022 SHUKUTOKU UNIVERSITY Buddhist Social Work Platform

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